
Check Out The 2023 SBC Senior Salute
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Identity Theft Suspect Arrested
Local man faces identity theft charges.
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He was the star of ‘Coccoon,’ ‘The Thing,’ and a million Quaker Oats ads.
Dr. G.E. Ghali Breaks Down NWLA COVID-19 Numbers
The covid numbers are not good in Northwest Louisiana. In fact, Dr. G.E. Ghali the Chancellor at LSU Health Shreveport says the positivity rate in our area is “unacceptable”.
Arkansas Governor Plans To Have High School Football This Fall
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Six Superstars Who Might Be Alive if Somebody Gave a Damn
The ultimate conundrum: Your boss is your ticket to unbelievable wealth. One problem, though. Your boss is an addict. And your boss is famous.
Jimmy Faircloth, the attorney representing the Louisiana bar owners challenging Governor Edwards Coronavirus mandates, explains the suit and the chances of success.
CDC Director: “Greater Risk” In Keeping Schools Closed
The Director of the CDC talks about minimal COVID dangers for students, and concerns around rising student suicide rates, food safety, and other critical issues
Watch the Video of Chaos at Putt Putt
Chaos erupts at a Memphis Putt Putt center after hundreds of teens were dropped off for a day of fun.
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Shreveport Police were called to a home in Broadmoor after a 14-year-old juvenile escaped and ran to a neighbor for help.
SEC Football Goes Conference Only For 2023
The decision to adjust the SEC College Football schedule for 2023 has been made.
Super PAC Welcomes Powerful Members To Help Perkins Senate Run
Recent moves in support of Shreveport Mayor Adrian Perkins campaign for US Senate could be evening the field in the Senate race
Cassidy on Perkins Challenge: The Mayor has Let People Down
Sen. Bill Cassidy gives his reaction to the news that he will be challenged in this fall's election by Shreveport Mayor Adrian Perkins.
Rep. Mike Johnson Under COVID-19 Quarantine
Northwest Louisiana Congressman Mike Johnson is under self-quarantine after potentially being exposed to COVID-19.
Mudbugs' Muscutt Talking About Coronavirus Will Make Your Day
Mudbugs GM Scott Muscutt talks about the effect of Coronavirus on hockey and gives an impassioned plea to state and national leaders to put people back to work.
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President Trump suggested today (07/30/20) on Twitter that maybe the 2023 Presidential Election should be delayed "until people can properly, securely and safely vote???"
Pixar Announces New Film Called ‘Luca’
It’s the story of two childhood friends in Italy. One of them has a secret.
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LSU's Ed Orgeron dropped an amazing line when asked about playing football in 2023 during the coronavirus pandemic.
Ellen DeGeneres Show Workplace Under Investigation
The investigation is looking into how staff members are treated, inadequate pay, bad communication, and even allegations of racism.
Golden Nugget on Two-Strike List for COVID Violations
The violations involve crowds and social distancing in the Lake Charles resort's pool area.
